South School subscribes to BrainPop and BrainPop Jr. It is a wonderful online library of videos and educational games. They can be used to deliver content to your class or used independently by your students. Each video includes an online quiz and related games. Teachers can create classrooms, assign videos and games, and monitor student progress. Click on the links below for more information or schedule training time with me during your CPT time, planning period or mornings between 7:30 and 8:30.
Brain Pop Overview
You will find a list of Videos and Lesson Plans in the Educators Section of BrainPop. Just click on "Getting Started" then click on the "Topic and Lesson Directory".
The directory is divided into Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr. content, then divided into broad subject categories. You can also search by standard.
This is a selection of science videos in Brain Pop JR. Videos in BrainPop Jr are for grades K-3 and videos for BrainPop are for grades 3-8. You can link to videos and lesson ideas from the directory.
When you click on Lesson Ideas from the directory you will see a description of the video, background information for teachers and families, and lesson plans. Lesson plans include Common Core Standards that are aligned.
The "My Brain Pop" feature helps you to create individual student accounts and assess student knowledge of topics presented in videos and games.
Educational games are provide in collaboration with various partner groups like the Cornell Ornithology Lab. Click the link above to see a directory of games. Games can be assigned and lesson plans are provided.