As an educator, you are your students first line of defense against internet dangers. You are also a role model for how to use the internet responsibly and ethically. These early school years can set the stage for how students use devices and interact on the internet for years to come. It's really important that you know what your responsibilities are.
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
The first thing you need to be aware of is CIPA.
- CIPA was enacted by Congress in 200 and updated in 2011.
- CIPA requirements:
- blocking or filtering internet access to pictures that are: (a)obscene; (b) child pornography; or (c) harmful to minors
- monitor the online activity of minors
- educate minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response
- adopt and implement an Internet Safety Policy addressing:
- Access by minors to inappropriate matter on the internet
- Safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications
- Unauthorixed access, including so-called "hacking," and other unlawful activities by minors online
- Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors
- Measures restricting minors' access to materials harmful to them
*According to this document from the ALA, a minor is someone under the age or 17.
The CIPA Document from the Federal Communications Commission PDF
Putting CIPA Requirements Into Practice:
Putting CIPA Requirements Into Practice:
- Circulate in your classroom when students are using devices.
- Organize classrooms so that you can see student screens at all times.
- Report any questionable materials that may be getting by the district filters.
- Know the Student Computer and Internet Use Agreement thoroughly
- Use the IUA to remind and enforce online expectations.
Student Internet Use Agreement (IUA)
CIPA requires that schools adopt and implement an Internet Safety Policy. In RSU13 we call this policy the "Student Computer and Internet Use Agreement" which is distributed to and signed by each student and parent. Make sure you know all of the items outlined in the student Computer and Internet Use Agreement and make sure that each of your students has one on file.
Computer and Internet Use Agreement for RSU13 LINK
Here are some of the highlights that are of particular importance to elementary teachers:
- Computer Use is a Privilege, Not a Right
- The following use are prohibited:
- Accessing Inappropriate Materials
- Violating Copyrights
- Plagiarism- When internet sources are used in student work, the author, publisher and Web site must be identified
- Misuse of Passwords/Unauthorized Access
- No Expectation of Privacy
- Student Security-students shall not reveal personally identifiable information on the internet (PII)
- Parental Permission Required
Putting the Internet Use Agreement into Practice
- Provide alternate assignments for students that are not able to use school devices responsibly.
- Monitor student activity at all times.
- Expect that all student work reflects respect for copyright and plagiarism laws.
- Require that students "give credit to the creator" in all of their work.
- Protect student login information. Keep it private and do not share it with other students.
- Do not allow students to sign into accounts that are not theirs.
- Protect PII, Personally Identifiable Information. Do not use it on the internet. This includes establishing accounts for student use.
- Make sure an IUA is on file for each and every student. Lexia, Moby Max and other school tools are on the INTERNET and students should not be using them without an IUA on file.
Frequently remind students of these basic internet safety rules included in the Common Sense Media Education curriculum. Post them in your classroom. Recite them when you use the internet. The video below introduces these rules to students in Kindergarten and First Grade.
- Always go places with an adult.
- Stick with sites that are just right for kids.
- Only talk to people you know.
- Don't wander off on your own.
Protect passwords and student account information. Teach students how to create usernames that don't reveal private information. Here are some items that the Common Sense Education curriculum teaches students to keep private, this information is sometimes referred to as PII, Personally Identifiable Information:
- Full Name
- Street Address
- Name of School
- School Address
- Email Address
- Phone Numbers
- Passwords
- Cell Phone Numbers
- Mother’s Maiden Name
- Family Names
- Parent’s Place of Work
- Photo’s
- Credit Card Numbers
- Social Security Numbers
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