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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December Resources

The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree 
written by Gloria Houston and illustrated by Maine's own Barbara Cooney

Please email me to schedule a holiday story with your students.  I have a great personal collection that I would love to read to them.  You can schedule one or two stories ranging from 15 minutes to a half an hour.  I have something appropriate to every grade level!

Arts & Crafts Projects
Here is a link to my Pinterest page.

The following videos are from reputable sources but I recommend that you preview them in their entirety before you share them with your students.  You may also want to advance beyond the commercials before you mirror the video on your large screen.

Rick Steves European Christmas 
Rick Steves is host of a popular PBS travel show.
55 minutes, recommended for older students

To see a list of all of the videos that are in this playlist just click on the three bars in the top left corner.