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Curriculum Content

Please let me know if you would like me to visit your CPT time to demonstrate any of these resources. 

Current Events:
This is a free current events service for grades three through twelve. Students can read articles at 5 different Lexile reading levels and take quizzes on what they have read. Subjects include, War & Peace, Science, Kids, Money, Law, Health, Arts, and Sports. Teachers can create classes and view student work, including test results.  

Here is how to use it-

  • Click, "Not a member? Sign Up Now."
  • Choose "Faculty or Staff"
  • Enter the South School zip code. 04841.
  • Click "Sign in with Google". Use your Google account so you don't have to create a new user name and password.
  • Browse through the articles until you find one you want. Click on it.
  • Just above you will see a place to assign the article to your class.  You can have multiple classes if you want.
  • You can also choose to hide articles from certain classes.
  • For students to sign in they will need your classroom code. Just have them login to their Google account, go to and enter their classroom code.
  • Click the magnifying glass to search by grade level, topic, reading standard, or for articles with quizzes.
  • To view student progress click on the Binder Tab. 
  • You can see a class overview by ASSIGNMENT, or click on CLASSES then the student name to see individual student work. Click on PROGRESS to see who is working below grade level and who is at grade level.
  • Click on the gear to see your account information, add & delete classes, look at your class sign-up codes, and view student rosters.

Storyline Online LINK
There aren't a huge amount of titles here, approximately 27, but they are well known books and very well done.  The readers are actors and public personalities like Betty White, Amanda Bynes, Ernest Borgnine, Melissa Gilbert, Elijah Wood, and James Earl Jones. Titles are picture book fiction.

You can create your own YouTube playlists, subscribe to channels, upload your own content, and share videos through email or social media.  When you select a video to view in YouTube the following options will be shown just below it.  Click "Add to" to add the selected video to your playlist. Click "Share" to send an email or post to your social website.  You can also embed videos in your blogs or websites.  Your district Google Domain account user name and password will give you access to all of these features.

YouTube Copyright Information LINK

Go beyond watching videos with your students to creating lessons centered around them!  See the tour below for more information.

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