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Rockland Public Library-Overdrive
This is a place for you to find books to read aloud to students.  It is not a site that is recommended for student use unless parents set up the app and have changed the settings so that students only have access to age appropriate materials. Selections include audio and ebooks. You can check out up to three books at a time and can have them for two weeks. You will need a library card from a participating library like Rockland. Any RSU 13 teacher can get a Rockland library card.

From the Rockland Public Library Website:
  1. Look at the navigation bar on the left and click on eResources.
  2. Click Download Library.
  3. Login or Create a New Account. Enter the name of your library, Rockland Public Library.  Enter your Rockland Public Library card number.
  4. Choose the category of book you are looking for: Audiobook or eBook, Fiction or Nonfiction.
  5. Filter your search: Choose eBook or eAudio, Choose Available Now
  6. Click on the book you want.  If it is available it will say “Borrow”.  Click “Borrow”.  
  7. You can download it to your device or read in in your browser.
  8. If a book is not available you can “Place a Hold”.  Just click the button.

*The Overdrive App can be filtered to just show children’s books.

  • Login to Maine InfoNet
  • Account
  • Settings
  • Maturity Level, Juvenile to Juvenile

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