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Amazon/Kindle App/Whispercast
You can utilize books from Amazon in a few different ways but you will need the Kindle App to do it.
*Individual Use.
You can build a read aloud library or personal resource library in your own Amazon account on your school iPad. Just go to the App store and download the Kindle App. In order to download the Kindle App you will need an Amazon account.

*Family or Household Use.
You can set up a family library and share that library with up to two devices. Each device will need it’s own Kindle App Account therefore you will need Amazon accounts for each device as well.

*Classroom Use. You can set up a Whispercast account to distribute copies of free and purchased books to your students.

Installing the Kindle App:
Go to the App store and search for “Kindle”. Install. Open. At this time you have to “Sign in with your Amazon Account” by entering your Amazon email address and your password. You can’t go any further without an Amazon account.

Setting Up Family or Household Libraries
You may want to create an Amazon account specifically for school purchases. . To set up your Family Library and manage it:
You need to make sure you go into your device on the receiving end and check the box under family library that says “Show Deanne Tibbett’s Content”.

Buying Free Books:
1.Go to and search for free kindle books for children 9-12 or age 1-10 using the search box.
2.Click BUY
3.It will automatically be delivered to the device that is associated with your Kindle account and that is set up as your default. You can then choose to share it with someone in your household or not.

Whispercast: Whispercast is a way for you to manage the Kindle App for your students. You can set up classrooms, create and manage Amazon accounts, and distribute books that you purchase through your Amazon account. The only drawback is that students will be able to click on the Amazon symbol and search the Amazon store. Not sure if the Apple Classroom Management App might be used to prevent students from going to the store.

Here are ways that you can utilize eBooks in your classroom.

  • Promote home use and family subscriptions by parents to things like the Skybrary, Epic!,
  • Model use of an eBook in your read alouds. Use the highlighting, note taking, and dictionary features.
  • Build individual libraries for personal reading choices with free and inexpensive books from Kobo, Kindle Whispercast, and Barnes & Noble. (Create “dummy student accounts” that can be used from year to year.)
  • Track usage of reading and use as part of your reading program with programs like Epic! and Scholastic’s Storia.
  • Create reading groups with simultaneous reading and discussion of assigned titles. Purchase a classroom set or reading group set of books from Amazon Whispercast, Barnes & Noble Nook App, Kobo.

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